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  • Total Comp for Contracted EE’s request

Total Comp for Contracted EE’s request


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  • #177
    Danielle Weston

    Fellow trustees, as an FYI to you, today I sent the below message via e-mail to Dr Presley (cc’d Amy & Cory).

    Hi Danny,
    Please have staff prepare/run a total compensation report for all employees currently on contract with RRISD. I don’t know how the HRIS or finance IS is set up but this can be an excel spreadsheet or any other format that lists employees names, base pay, stipends, auto, phone allowances, health ins contributions from RRISD, etc…total compensation.
    Please just have this added to the next board update so all trustees can see it. I’ll let everyone know of my request on the message board.


    Danielle Weston

    I clarified with Dr Presley that I am just inquiring about EE’s that were previously not on contract but were put on contract in 2019 by the BoT. These would be only central admin staff, not teachers.

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