- This topic has 6 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 3 years, 10 months ago by
Cory Vessa.
April 10, 2021 at 3:29 pm #337
Amy Weir
MemberThere has been a request by Trustee Bone that we as a full Board review BE Local. There have been other trustee requests for Policy review, including a policy review that started during the previous Board that the current Board could finish. (The list is below.)
Rather than put all these policies individually on upcoming Board meetings, the full Board formally discuss a plan of action. We could reinstate the Policy Committee to begin this review. Or the full Board can schedule a specific policy meeting to discuss these policies. If the full Board wishes to discuss all the policies then my suggestion would be a workshop this summer, possibly with our new superintendent.
Board Policy BE (Local)
Regular Meetings
Regular meetings of the Board shall normally be held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. When determined necessary and for the convenience of Board members, the Board President may change the date, time, or location of a regular meeting with proper notice.
Special Meetings
The Board President may call special meetings.FC (Local) Boundaries, there is a redline version from the previous Board that had a 1st reading
BBE (Local) and BDAA (Local) in conjunction with BE (Local)
BDD (Local) hiring of legal counsel
Per the full Board request, 2 trustees are currently working with the administration on the grievance & complaint policies: DGBA (Local), FNG (Local), and GF (Local), plus EMB (Local)Trustee Bone has also made a request for an agenda item for April 15th for a closed session item for the “Appointment a new Board President”. This is not a proper request as the Board President is not “appointed” by anyone and the full Board must vote on the Board President in open session. Also, as there is no vacancy in any officer position, changing an officer is done by reorganizing the Board so all trustees can be considered for the officer positions and then a new slate of officers is elected. Board Policy BDAA (Legal) provides the only guidance on this request:
In addition to the required post-election organization, the Board may also organize at other times.I am more than willing to post a legal agenda item for a Board Reorganization if there is additional interest in posting this. Is there another trustee who wishes to add “Board Reorganization” to the April agenda? For this agenda request please only respond on the message board with feedback if you wish to support Trustee Bone’s request. The message board is not the proper forum to vote on this issue.
April 10, 2021 at 8:04 pm #338Danielle Weston
ParticipantPres Weir, I favor a summer workshop of the entire board to comprehensively address needed changes in our policies. I appreciate you seeking input here from the entire board on this.
I am confused by your posting of Trustee Bone’s agenda item request here on the message board. I have not seen her request so I don’t know exactly what it says or requests. My understanding of our policy is:
1. Trustees must e-mail requested agenda items to the board pres and superintendent.
2. The board pres decides whether or not the requested agenda item will appear on the agenda.
3. If the request is denied by the board pres, the board pres will offer the trustee the opportunity to seek support for the agenda item at the next meeting.If this is the policy, I am unclear why discussion or support for this particular agenda item is being solicited here on the message board. Perhaps you can clarify?
My experience in establishing board officers is limited to my first board meeting on 19 Nov 2020. I just reviewed that agenda and I see:
Item G: Closed Session
2. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 and 551.074 the Board will meet to discuss Board officersIs there a legal requirement that this particular agenda item receive a certain threshold of support before being placed on the Closed Session agenda?
Without knowing the details about what is being requested and since my experience on this matter is limited, I’m inclined to honor any request a trustee makes for an item to be placed on the agenda just as a matter of good practice, regardless of what it is. I don’t think placing an item on the agenda or discussing it expresses support or lack of support for the agenda item. Perhaps I am missing something?Lastly, I think the 15 April 2021 agenda is quite full and am not inclined to support adding more agenda items (on any topic) to that particular meeting.
I’d like to know if my understanding of our policy on how a trustee places an item on the agenda has changed or if I have misunderstood it. I appreciate any insight you can offer when convenient.
I appreciate all you do and appreciate these President Updates.
April 11, 2021 at 6:52 am #339Cory Vessa
MemberI have reflected a lot. I feel it is necessary for me to publicly reaffirm my faith in Trustee Weir as president of our board. I have known President Weir for not quite three years now and it has been a joy. Truly, our district and board are extremely blessed that she is willing to serve. This job, as Board President, is beyond challenging. But her character enables her to lead during this most difficult of times in a way few others could.
President Weir is humble. I value humility highly. The Bile says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4: 6) I have seen time and time again how President Weir has an open mind and heart. She listens and is not arrogant or haughty. She will readily admit error.
President Weir is kind. She truly desires harmony and prioritizes relationships and people. She is eager to help those in need. She is willing to forgive and doesn’t hold grudges, while also establishing appropriate boundaries.
President Weir is contemplative. She doesn’t make rash decisions or respond in anger. She takes time to soberly respond with good judgement to the most challenging of circumstances.
President Weir is reasonable and compassionate. I have never seen President Weir take extreme positions. She listens to all sides and values compromise.
President Weir is a wise servant leader. She embodies being quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to respond in anger. (James 1:19)
Honestly, I could go on and on with my praise of President Weir. While she isn’t perfect, none of us are. She IS an amazing person who I learn from almost every day.
April 11, 2021 at 8:37 am #340Amy Weir
MemberTrustee Weston,
The agenda item request was made in writing to me and Dr. Presley according to Board policy. Specifically the request was to amend the April 15th agenda to include a closed session item to add:
1) Appointment of new Board PresidentAs I stated this is not a proper request. There is no appointment of Board President in a closed session. I was trying to clarify what I could actually post on an agenda per state law and our policy. You are correct and we can post for closed but must take action in open. Or we could post for open session discussion and action only, no closed.
The reason I felt I needed to include this request in my Board President’s Update is that I agree with you, our April meeting is already very full, but the request was specifically for the April 15th meeting. My response to Trustee Bone would be to deny for April and add this item to the May agenda.
Trustee Bone also stated in her formal email that for me to decline her request for April 15 would not be an appropriate use of my Presidential powers. Since the next time that I could offer Trustee Bone an opportunity to seek support for the agenda item is in fact the April 15 meeting, I did not want there to be any doubt that I was willing to honor this request. I do feel the May agenda is the better time to discuss, but again, I felt I was put in a situation where I could not deny this item for April 15 without being accused of inappropriate behavior. This is the only way that I felt I could honor Trustee Bone’s very specific request for April 15 and stay within our policy and state law given the fact that the agenda must be set 72 hours before our meeting.
If there is another Trustee that wishes to specifically add this to April 15 then we can adjust the agenda tomorrow prior to 5pm and add it. If there is not another trustee wanting to specifically add this to Thursday’s agenda then I will formally respond to Trustee Bone that we will add this to the May agenda.
April 12, 2021 at 9:24 am #343Tiffanie N Harrison
MemberThank you for the update, President Weir.
I would like to discuss the aforementioned policies as a full board.
I have no interest in an “Appointment a new Board President” nor do I think it would be fruitful to consider a board officer reorg at the May 15th meeting.
I would like to see us refocus our efforts towards creating board goals and finding a strong leader through the superintendent search process.
This power struggle feels so unproductive and is counter to our forward progress.
I will be honest, I was apprehensive about Lone Star Governance before our first training but I am now fully on board and see why it is important. Student outcomes do not change until adult behaviors change. Hopefully we can reorient ourselves around student outcomes.
April 12, 2021 at 9:46 am #344Dr. Mary Bone
ParticipantSince President Weir keeps posting that I said this or that I am just coping my short email here so everyone can see the wording.
————– Start email dated April 9th ———
Amy and Dr. Presley,I would like to formally request the following agenda item for closed session on the agenda. I know the April 15th agenda can still be amended and would hope this is added.
1) Appointment of new Board President
I know the President thinks she can decline this but I don’t think it would be appropriate use of the President’s power and it would just go even further to strengthen my case that our policy does not allow Trustees to perform needed business.
Best Regards,
Mary Bone—————————– End email dated April 9th ———————–
To have my words twisted on the message board by President Weir is disheartening and does nothing but lead the community and other Trustees astray on my pure intentions.
One example of twisting is President Weir’s statement which rephrased my words as “would not be an appropriate use of my Presidential powers.” What was actually said is that “I don’t think it would be appropriate use of the President’s power.” President Weir harshened my words and since President Weir is a lawyer this is very bothersome as I believe she is trained to understand how a slight twist of words can make a big difference in both intent and interpretation of one’s motives.
President Weir also did not point out that I have a concern that our policy and her continuous changing of the interpretation of Board policy is NOT allowing Trustees to perform needed business.
I would think the other Trustees would like to understand my concerns and since a quorum of Trustees should not be in communication on a specific topic it should go without saying that there are things a quorum of the board does not know at any given time. For Trustees to assume they know everything that is going on outside of our open meetings would be concerning to me.
If Trustees are not willing nor care to hear concerns of this magnitude then it leaves me wondering why that would be.I would have happily posted this request to the Message Board myself if that was our policy. People that know me will tell you that I do not make rash or emotional decisions so if I bring something like this to light it is for reasons backed up by data and policy that I feel whole heartily should be addressed.
I do question why my agenda request was brought to the Message Board? Is this the “new” policy decided lonely by President Weir or did I miss the meeting where the policy was changed that agenda request would be hashed out on the Message Board?
I know Trustees continue to question my hard-core approach to following law and policy and it is because I believe through my 20 years of experience working with policy that the people most hurt by the Board not strictly following them are the students.
Also, I am a little confused still if President Weir is wanting me to publicly post all my reasons for asking for this agenda item here on the Message Board so other Trustees can make an informed decision? I am happy to do so but I would find it poor etiquette and would like to afford President Weir more professionalism then was obviously afforded to me.
April 12, 2021 at 11:30 am #345Cory Vessa
MemberDear Trustee Bone,
I think the issue was that your request was for a meeting just days away. If it had been for a meeting at a later date, she could have used the standard procedure. And I think that is an issue that needs addressed as we look at relevant board policies. We need clarity on agenda requests for an imminent meeting, especially when it concerns something as serious as a board leadership reorganization.
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