I just received an e-mail from the Exec Assistant assigned to the board of trustees that Pres Weir asked her to let us know that our upcoming (8-9 Jan 2021) Lonestar Governance (LSG) training has been cancelled. The email states that the reason for this is another ISD that planned to come and participate, decided not to come due to Covid and that’s why our training has been cancelled.
I wanted to share that I am disappointed that this training will not be happening. I am one of four newly elected trustees and was very much looking forward to this training. We have a lot to learn about our roles and how to be effective to support our students as leaders of RRISD. In addition, I cleared my calendar for these two days and will now have to clear two other days in the future for this training, which I will certainly do.
Is there anything I can do to get our original training dates of 8-9 Jan 2021 back on the schedule? Or is there anything I can do to help get LSG rescheduled soon?